Friday, August 11, 2006


After reading Kernby's awesome blog, I feel the need to add a little reflective posting of my own. This Australian odyssey is soon to end - in less than two weeks I will be back at home again.

I can't really say that I am sad to find my time in Perth coming to an end. It is a nice enough city, but it is here that I have experienced my greatest pangs of homesickness. Here I have at times felt agonizingly dull. The anguish and ecstasy of a real adventuring life seem so far away - almost impossibly far away from here. The opposite to life in Perth is being alone on a cold and beatiful mountain with the snow swirling around. The problem is that it is just too flat.

The landscape is flat. About a month ago, Michael and I took a gentle 15-minute walk up a little hill and found ourselves gazing out for miles upon the flat landscape. The weather is flat. It is almost always sunny and warmish. The city is flat. Suburbia stretches on in all directions.

I yearn for a cliff! For a mountaintop! For a blizzard!

Creativity thrives on extremes. On contrasts. And, perhaps, even on changes in elevation.

I am looking forward to getting home.


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